Thursday 15th March

Reiki, Intuitive Balinese Massage, BodyTalk Inspiring ways to explore and improve your health in this peaceful and supportive environment.
Experience the revitalising and healing powers of Reiki, BodyTalk and Massage. Benefit from our knowledge, wisdom, intuition and experience.
A great opportunity to let your body/mind know that you really listen to it, love and care for it - and also honour and respect your spirit.
We offer three sessions with three different practitioners and modalities - each 45 minutes with breaks in between to enjoy snacks, drinks, chat and to integrate and assimilate the sessions.
Prepare to feel different, learn something new about health...and have fun!
Look forward to seeing you! Perfect for a gift for someone special.
Morning session 9 - 12.15 Afternoon session 1.00 - 4.15 Booking essential Contact: Marilynne to book or for further details